Book was successfully launched at the Gordon Institute of Business Science. Illovo. More than 100 attendees.

Book available: good book stores. Print, Kindle, Epub. 

This book draws on a lifetime of experience in diplomacy, business education, and the corporate world. It presents a practical model which gives readers a way to organise their thoughts and to focus on the key elements for leading a purpose-driven life. The five-dimensional framework deals with issues such as building capability, dealing with context, managing the stages of a career, and clarifying one’s purpose. It is highly recommended for managers and executives as they navigate their personal and professional journeys”. Professor Karl Hofmeyr – Gordon Institute of Business Science

A unique and personal guide to building your C-Suite career

Unlike many books that address leadership, career management and change from an organisational perspective, this book provides individual executives with deep insights into how they can take charge of their own careers and strategic capabilities on a journey to the C-Suite and beyond.  

Using practical and real-life examples taken from multiple careers encompassing diplomacy, business education, executive search, senior executive coaching, conservation and Board leadership, Chris van Melle Kamp provides executives with a powerful Five Dimensions framework designed to guide and shape their route to the C-Suite and beyond. Insights from this book will empower you to:

  • Take care of your own career while building a positive future for yourself, family and the world in which we live.

  • Successfully transition into new strategic roles or careers.

  • Align your skills, strategic capabilities, and experience to the context in which you work.

  • Ensure that your personal values and culture preferences are compatible with your work environment.

  • Recognise different needs within yourself as you experience new stages of life.

  • Pursue meaningfulness and purpose when thinking about major career changes.

  • Take a leadership role in protecting the biodiversity of our planet and connecting with nature.  

I have had the privilege of collaborating with Chris on different initiatives over many years. I remain inspired by his personal journey – spanning diplomacy and business education to executive search, senior leadership development and conservation, all of which uniquely qualify Chris to advise anyone aspiring, and brave enough, to take on increasingly complex senior leadership roles or wanting to change career direction. This book comprises a lifetime of insights. Coupled with real life anecdotes, extensive academic research, and his Five Dimensions framework, it provides a practical compass to help navigate deeper self-understanding, nurture personal growth and ultimately forge an exhilarating, purposeful and meaningful career and life.

Marina Bidoli is a Partner at Brunswick Group in Milan, Italy and formerly the Group Communications Manager at Sasol.